I was browsing the web and found a news article that I really wanted to share with a friend via facebook message. On my old laptop, I had a "Share on Facebook" button that I snagged and dropped into my toolbar when the "share" feature first came out. At the time, facebook offered the button openly and it was pretty easy to find and drag and drop into your tool bar.
This makes things so quick and easy! If you're reading an article or come across a page or a picture or something on amazon or WHATEVER and it doesn't have a facebook share button (or, in my case earlier today, the page/article/picture/etc. only has a fb "like" button), you can still easily share it by clicking this button in your bookmarks bar while you're on the page. So. Nice. (I mean, who wants to copy and paste a URL and then have to go to facebook to post something every single time you find an item of interest! Sometimes you just wanna share it and be on your way, am I right?)
I have a new computer that use now and I've found myself a little frustrated trying to find the code for the "Share on Facebook" button I had on my old laptop. Every google search has me downloading a share button for a webpage--but I don't want it for a webpage!! I just want it for my bookmarks bar! Then a thought occurred to me: "Duh. Just go get the share button URL from the other laptop..." (which I, luckily, still have...I just don't really use it very much anymore)
So I did. I decided to share the info on here in case there are others who are pulling their hair out trying to find the same info!
If you would like to add a "Share on Facebook" button to your bookmarks bar, simply drag and drop the link below into your bookmarks bar!
Share on Facebook
Happy sharing everyone!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
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